Acupuncture to enhance Fertility/IVF treatment
Studies estimate that 1 in 6 couples seek specialist help in trying for a child.
In Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is routinely used to regulate the menstrual cycle and balance hormones.
Deciding to pursue IVF is not a step anyone takes lightly. It is a challenging time physically, emotionally and often financially.
Acupuncture can make a significant contribution to not only how you feel during your IVF cycle but also to your chances of success.
Recent research in particular, highlights how valuable having acupuncture pre and post embryo transfer can be.
A meta-analysis (Manheimer E) published by the British Medical Journal in February 2008 suggests that women undergoing IVF who also have acupuncture on the day of the embryo transfer have a substantially higher chance of conceiving that those who have no acupuncture.